Welcome to your records!
Today is Jan. 22, 2025, 8:41 a.m.
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90 degree external rotation, cable
Ab crunch machine
Back bridge
Back lever hold (adv. tuck)
Back lever hold (tuck)
barbell dead rows
bench press, barbell
Bench press, close grip
Bench press, decline barbell
bench press, dumbbell
bench press, dumbbell reverse grip
Bench press, incline
Bicep curl
Bicep curl, barbell
Bicep curl, cable
Bicep curl, rings
bicep curl, waiter curl
Biceps tendonitis rehab
box jumps, single leg
Calf press (on leg press)
Calf raises, hip bend
Calve raises
Calve raises, seated
calve raises, single leg
Candlestick, modified
Chins, close grip
chin ups
Chin-ups (ring)
Chin-ups, tucked knee
Chin-ups, weighted
Crossover, High-to-low
Curl, barbell
Curl, cross body
Curl, dumbbell
Curl, hammer
Curl, preacher
Curl, spider
Curl, stretch
Curl, stretch (laying)
Curl, waiter
DB face pulls
Dead hang
Dead hang (hollow body)
deadlift, barbell
Deadlift, single leg Roman
deltoid row, chest supported
Dips (band)
Dips, barbell
Dip scap shrugs
Dips (ring)
Dragon flag, dynamic (tuck)
external shoulder rotation, cable
external shoulder rotation, dumbbell
Face pulls, band
face pulls, cable
Face pulls, ring
False grip dead hang
Farmer carry
Farmer carry, overhead
Finger curl
Flyes, cable (standing)
Flyes, db
Frog stand
Front lever (banded)
Front lever hold (tuck)
Front lever pull 1.0
Front lever pulldown
German hang
Glute bridge
Glute bridge, barbell
Good mornings
Gymnast tuck
Hamstring curl
Hamstring curl, slippery floor
Handstand CTW
Handstand kick-ups
Handstand, l-leg isolation
Handstand press, bench zombie
Handstand press, eccentric
Handstand push-up, BTW
Handstand push-up eccentric
Handstand push-ups CTW
Handstand push-ups CTW eccentric
Handstand scap shrugs
Handstand shoulder taps
Handstand, toe pulls
Handstand, tuck wall slides
Handstand wall toe taps
Handstand wall walks
Hanging leg raises
Headstand (arm supported)
high pulley row, alternating
Hip abduction, band
Hip abduction, cable
Hip adduction, band
Hip adduction, cable
Hip flexor, laying band raise
Hip flexor raise
Hollow body hold
Horse stance
HSPU, hamstring assist
HSPU, shoulder stand press up
Human pullover
Hyper Y/W
ice skaters
incline bench press, dumbbell
Internal shoulder rotation, cable
JM press, band
Knee tucks, hanging (ring)
Lateral raise
Lateral raise, 1 1/2 dumbbell
Lateral raise (band)
lateral raise, dumbbell thumb up
Lateral raise, incline 60
Lateral raise, lean in (db)
Lateral raises, cable (two hands)
Lateral raise, thumb down (bent)
Lateral raise, top hold
Lat prayers
Lat pulldown
Lat pull down (one-hand)
lat pulldowns, reverse grip
lat pulldowns, wide grip
Leg extension
Leg press
Leg raises (deficit)
Low back extensions
L-sit (dip bars)
L-sit (hip flexor raise, elevated)
L-sit, low (ring)
L-sit shrugs (feet on ground)
lunge, lateral
Lunge, reverse
Lunge, reverse (barbell)
Muscle-up, (ring) transition
Nordic curl
Nordic curl (hip bend)
overhead press, barbell standing
Overhead press, dumbbell
Overhead press, seated dumbbell
Pancake, standing
PB l-sit to v-sit
PB Tricep lean
Pelican curl
Pike leans
pike push-ups
Pike push-ups (ring)
Pike scap push-up
Pissing dog
Planche lean
Planche (tuck)
Pullover, BB
Pullover, db
Pull-up, false grip
Pull-ups, assisted
Pull-ups, close grip
Pull-ups, explosive
pull-ups, L-sit
Pull-ups, L-sit (bent knee)
pull-ups, L-sit jumping negatives
Pull-ups, l-sit (knee tuck straddle)
pull-ups, neutral grip
pull-ups, weighted
Pull-ups, wide grip
push-ups, archer
Push ups (band)
push-ups, clapping
Push-ups (deep)
Push-ups, diamond
push-ups, elevated
Push-ups, elevated (deep)
Push-ups, elevated (weighted)
push-ups, explosive
push-ups, incline
Push-ups, pike (deep)
Push-ups, planche (pseudo)
Push-ups (ring)
Push-ups, Trx (flat)
Quad extension (kneeling)
RDL (single leg)
Reverse hypers
reverse lunge, barbell
Rope pushdown, TRX
Row, archer
Row, bent barbell
Row, bent barbell (wide grip)
Row, cable
Row, chest supported (machine)
Row, dumbbell
Row, dumbbell chest supported abduction
Row, inverted
Row, inverted (TRX)
Rows, false grip (ring)
Rows, flexion
Rows (ring)
Scap push-up
Scap rows
Scap shrugs (hanging)
Serratus anterior rolls
Shoulder stand
Shoulder taps, pike
Shrimp squat
Shrug, dumbbell ladder
Shrug, pull-up
shrugs, barbell
shrugs, barbell (ladder set)
shrugs, lateral cable
Skin the cat
Skull crusher db
Squat, pistol
Squat, pistol (assisted)
Squat, pistol (assisted seat)
squats, barbell
Squats, body weight
Squats, db
Squats, explosive
Squat, toes
Squat, top foot
Stability press
Stability walk
Step up
Superman + hold
Tib bar
Tricep extension, dumbbell single arm
Tricep extension, TRX
Triceps, cable pushdown triangle handle
triceps extension, laying band
triceps extension, laying dumbbell
Triceps extension, overhead (band)
Triceps extension, overhead db
Triceps extension (ring)
Triceps extension, rope pushdown
Triceps overhead extension, barbell
Triceps overhead extension, cable
Triceps plank
Upright row (barbell)
Upright row (cable)
Upright row (DB)
Wall slides (shoulder external rotation)
Wrist extensions, barbell